
Training at the Membertou Boxing Club is like training at any boxing school you will find anywhere in the world.  The workouts are rigorous and demanding and you are going to be worked as if you are training for your next boxing match.  You will sweat, you will get tired, and you will do the same exercises that the world's greatest professionals have done their entire careers.  What you will learn are genuine boxing techniques through actual boxing workouts and methods.  

Coaches Greg and Daniel see the potential in each and every student who enters the gym, and will do their best to bring out the champion in you.  All students and fighters are offered equal encouragement and recognition, and you will also have the support of your teammates.

The doors are always open to new and returning members, but please take note that you are here to learn and to be an active participant.  You will never be turned away, but you will be expected to work just as hard as your teammates who are standing next to you.  The workouts will help you build character, strength and confidence; they are not for the feint of heart.  

At Membertou Boxing Club, you will learn:

6 kinds of punches and combinations
Head movement
Defensive movements such as slipping and catching, bobbing and weaving, and proper blocking
Circuit training
Interval training
Speed training
Strength and conditioning


The Membertou Boxing Club is open Monday to Thursday: 6:00pm - 8:00pm.

We encourage interested boxers to drop by for a workout! No experience necessary!